Dear Friend,
All moments of our life chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”
reveal reward of Buddha nature.
Nichiren Daishonin writes: “If we understand that our life
at this moment
is myō,
then we will also understand that our life at other moments
is the Mystic
Law. This realization is the mystic kyō, or
sutra. The Lotus
Sutra is the king of sutras, the direct path to enlightenment, for it explains that the entity
of our life, which manifests either good or evil at each
moment, is in fact the entity of the Mystic Law.” [On Attaining
Buddhahood in This Lifetime] WND I: 1 (p.4)
Mindful of each moment chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” the entity
of the Mystic Law is revealed in our life.
Truly yours,
Tho Tsu 2/20/2016
tho tsu © 2016