Dear Friend,
The changes we experience chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”
reveal Buddha nature in our thoughts, feelings and behavior.
Nichiren Daishonin writes: “Since the Lotus Sutra defines our body as the
Dharma body
of a Thus
Come One, our mind as the reward body of a Thus Come One, and our actions
as the manifested
body of a Thus
Come One, all who uphold and believe in even a single phrase or verse of
this sutra will be endowed with the benefits of these three bodies. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is only one phrase or verse,
but it is no ordinary phrase, for it is the essence of the entire sutra.” [The One Essential Phrase] WND I: 121
We derive the greatest benefits chanting “Nam Myoho Renge
Kyo” in our present form and the conditions of daily life.
Truly yours,
Tho Tsu 2/02/2016