
Dear ​Friend,

Examining our mind chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”, we see insufficient doctrines and beliefs illuminated in the causality of present happiness.

Nichiren Daishonin writes: “In the doctrinal systems expounded in the
other schools, these three truths that constitute a unity are treated as separate and expounded under eight headings. Each of these eight forms the basis for a particular school; thus they are all lacking in the principle of full and perfect unity and hence have no truth by which one may attain Buddhahood. In these other schools, there is no possibility of truly attaining Buddhahood—therefore one dislikes them. But what one dislikes about them is the fact that their doctrines are insufficient.” [The Unanimous Declaration by the Buddhas of the Three Existences regarding the Classification of the Teachings and Which Are to Be Abandoned and Which Upheld] WND II: 315 (p.859)

Great compassion arises in the heart chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” to study and refute attachment to incomplete views.

Truly yours,

Tho Tsu 9/14/2016

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