
Dear Friend,

Beginning from this moment chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” regardless of past experience the present reveals wonderful benefits.

Nichiren Daishonin writes: “The Nirvana
Sutra, referring to the Lotus Sutra, states: “Even the offense of slandering this correct teaching [will be eradicated] if one repents and professes faith in the correct teaching. . . . No teaching other than this correct teaching can save or protect one. For this reason one should take faith in the correct teaching.” The Great Teacher Ching-his said, “The Nirvana Sutra is itself pointing to the Lotus Sutra and saying that it is the ultimate.” He further said: “It is like the case of a person who falls to the ground, but who then pushes himself up from the ground and rises to his feet again. Thus, even though one may slander the correct teaching, one will eventually be saved from the evil paths.”” [On Curing Karmic Disease] WND I: 76 (p.632)

Standing now determined chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” is the ultimate reality of happiness.

Truly yours,

Tho Tsu 9/09/2016

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