

Dear Friend,

Individually expressing the jewel of Buddha wisdom chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” single-mindedly we emerge brilliantly each moment.

Nichiren Daishonin writes: “Words and writing are the medium by which the
minds of all living beings are revealed. A person’s writings tell us the nature of that person’s mind. The mental and physical components of the individual are in the end inseparable, and hence what a person has written will reveal whether that person is well or poorly endowed in nature. Words and writing, then, are the medium through which these inseparable factors of the mental and physical makeup of all living beings are revealed. If you do not depend on words or writing, then you cannot give expression to your mental and physical makeup.” [Questions and Answers on the Various Schools] WND II: 174 (p. 18) http://www.nichirenlibrary.org

Challenge of polishing and faceting beauty chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” is joy of enlightenment simultaneously revealed in each aspect of daily life.

Truly yours,

Tho Tsu 12/13/2016

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