
Dear Friend,

Persistently chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” receiving Nichiren Daishonin’s instructions, potential happiness is realized in actual experience of daily life.

Nichiren Daishonin writes: “The Great
Teacher Dengyō says, “The dragon king’s daughter, an instructor of others, did not need to undergo countless kalpas of austere practice, nor do living beings, who receive instruction, need to undergo such practice. Instructors and instructed alike need no such kalpas of practice. Through the power of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law they can attain Buddhahood in their present form.”” [The Attainment of Buddhahood in Principle and in Its Actual Aspect] WND II: 329 (p. 891)

From moment-to-moment chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” the wonderful Law is revealed in life and environment transforming suffering into happiness.

Truly yours,

Tho Tsu 01/18/2017

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