Dear Friend,
We bring out that which is wonderful in every activity of daily life chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” from the simplest to the most demanding moment happiness unfolds.
Nichiren Daishonin writes: “T’ien-t’ai
says that one should understand that living beings and their environments, and the causes and effects at work within them, are all the Law of renge (the lotus). Here “living beings and their environments” means the phenomena of life and death. Thus, it is clear that, where life and death exist, cause and effect, or the Law of the lotus, is at work.” [The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life] WND I: 29 (p. 216) http://www.nichirenlibrary.org
Our devoted heart and mind chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” reveals causality of birth and death each moment in the highest mind we desire in eternity, true self, purity and happiness.
Truly yours,
Tho Tsu 11/01/2017
tho tsu © 2017