
Dear Friend,

With proof of the Buddha’s declaration chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” we grasp and hold firmly in every moment the practice to observe ultimate reality within our own mind.

Nichiren Daishonin writes: “The nine
worlds that are provisional are the teachings set forth in the first forty-two years. The world of Buddhahood that is true is that which was preached in the last eight years, namely, the Lotus Sutra. Therefore the Lotus Sutra is called the Buddha vehicle. The births and deaths occurring in the nine worlds exemplify the principles underlying a realm of dreams, and hence they are called provisional teachings. The eternally abiding nature of the world of Buddhahood exemplifies the principles of the waking state, and hence it is called the true teaching. ” [The Unanimous Declaration by the Buddhas of the Three Existences regarding the Classification of the Teachings and Which Are to Be Abandoned and Which Upheld] WND II: 315 (p. 837)

Emancipating our mind in the waking state chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” beliefs that limit our function in life we honestly discard as provisional views and expedient means revealing innate Buddha nature in daily life.

Truly yours,

Tho Tsu 03/16/2018

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