Dear Friend,
Our own mind is now and has been the place of practice chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” seeing the relevance of all provisional teachings understanding all phenomena as an expression of the single wonderful Law.
Nichiren Daishonin writes: “Now in the
teachings of the Lotus Sutra, people are certainly self-empowered, and yet they are not self-empowered. This is because one’s own self, or life, at the same time possesses the nature of all living beings in the Ten Worlds. Therefore this self has from the beginning been in possession of one’s own realm of Buddhahood and of the realms of Buddhahood possessed by all other living beings. Therefore when one attains Buddhahood one does not take on some new or “other” Buddha identity. Again, in the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, people are certainly other-empowered, and yet they are not other-empowered. The Buddhas, who are considered separate from us, are actually contained within our own selves, or the lives of us ordinary people. Those Buddhas manifest the realms of Buddhahood of all living beings in the same manner as we do.” [The Meaning of the Sacred Teachings of the Buddha’s Lifetime] WND II: 177 (p. 62)
Revealing benefit in our practice for self and gaining understanding in our practice for others chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” opens Buddha nature in the true aspect of all phenomena.
Truly yours,
Tho Tsu 04/05/2018
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